[Tutor] help

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue, 2 Oct 2001 11:55:12 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 2 Oct 2001, RIDDLE BOX wrote:

> I may have the been trying to do this wrong with that code, but I
> would like the program to look at a file and then when you are done
> looking at that file, I would like it to ask if you would like to look
> at another file, and keep asking that until you quit the program. this
> is my whole code right now. I hope I am on the right track.  thanks
> for all your help I am pretty sure that my while statement is wrong
> but I dont know how to get it to work thanks

Here's a small example of doing something until the user types the word

while 1:
    filename = raw_input("What file? ('quit' to quit)")
    if filename == 'quit':
    inp = open(filename)
    for line in inp.readlines():
        print line

What might seem unusual about this code is that it is an infinite loop!  
Or, at least, it seems that way.  There is one way out of the loop though:
if the user types 'quit' when asked for a filename, we can "break" out of
the loop.

We can write this another way:

filename = raw_input("What file? ('quit' to quit)")
while filename != 'quit':
    inp = open(filename)
    for line in inp.readlines():
        print line
    filename = raw_input("What file? ('quit' to quit)")

In this case, we're rearranging some of the statements, but the effect is
the same --- or, at least, should be the same.  I haven't tested this code
out at all yet.  *grin*

Try some while loops of your own; if you find that a while loop has gone
out of control, you can press the key combination "Control-c", and that
usually cancels a Python program.

Good luck!