[Tutor] Useless delays

Rob Andrews rob@jam.rr.com
Mon, 01 Oct 2001 14:02:20 -0500

Useless Python has also suffered lately. The website is currently up, 
but I've encountered so many problems in the last few weeks (in between 
viruses and post-WTC complications, having to free my #2 staff member 
from the burden of continued employment, losing Internet service for a 
week, etc.) that I've been unable to perform necessary website 
maintenance. I'm glad Useless is still up, because I actually did lose 
the backup.

Please forgive the month of delays. I'll get things caught up soon, even 
if I have to take on some assistance. I'm curious, though, what would 
become of Useless Python if I took off to Nepal to do some chanting and 
teach former nomadic herders from Tibet how to do IT work. Any thoughts 
out there? (Useless could probably be placed at Sourceforge if all else 
