[Tutor] the class struggle

Rob McGee i812@iname.com
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 17:09:01 -0600

Hi all, I am a python 2.0 beginner. I'm trying to write a silly little
program. Actually I *did* write it using a function definition, but I
wanted to be object-oriented, so I'm trying to use a class instead. This
isn't working out.

import random

def myObject(name):
  variable = name
  anotherOne = anotherValue
  if name in someList:
    nextVar = this
    lastOne = that
    nextVar = random.randrange(10, 70)
    lastOne = random.randrange(5, 15)

That works. I got a complete and working (although not very polished)
program using a function like that. It's worthy of the Useless Python
site, for sure. :)

import random

class myObject(name):
  def __init__(self, name):
    variable = name
    anotherOne = anotherValue
    if name in someList:
      nextVar = this
      lastOne = that
      nextVar = random.randrange(10, 70)
      lastOne = random.randrange(5, 15)

That doesn't work. "SyntaxError: invalid syntax" on the "if" (caret goes
under the "f".) I tried adding "self." in front of the class instance
variables just for fun. Same thing.

I have read the tutorial and what I could find in the other docs about
classes. I rented Ivan Van Laningham's "24 Hours" book at the local
bookstore / coffee shop (I always buy a cup of coffee :) and thought I
I was beginning to understand.

I guess not.

I tried commenting out the if/else lines and making a little function to
test it out, and now everything after this accursed class definition is
a SyntaxError.

Is there something online with another description of using class
definitions? Or perhaps can you fine folks point me in the right

BTW, except for classes I think I'm understanding things pretty well. I
am able to make python do what I set out to do.

Thank you,
    Rob - /dev/rob0