[Tutor] Bleching this snurklish bagonthe side into defenestration

Blake Winton bwinton@tor.dhs.org
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 09:44:36 -0500

> Opening and reading files I can do fine. Playing sorcery with the
> incoming data and loading it correctly digested into the dictionary is
> causing me to chew my fingernails to the second nuckle.


Python: Batteries Are Included.  ;)

> I want it read into a dictionary, which I call 'letter{}'. The idea is
> to have it split up into key and value, with the idea of having each
> header portion by name, it's value, body, value, and attachment. Yes, as
> there is an attachment, this is a multipart mime,

In that case, you might want to check out:
as well...

Or, for example code:

Good luck,