[Tutor] Remind me of ...

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 10:52:04 -0000

 >Several weeks (months) ago somebody (maybe Danny Yoo? 
 >or Alan Gauld?) posted a reference to an interactive  
 >online-text-game concerning aspects of computer  
 >programming.Then I didn' know how to use it properly,  

It may have been me, I referred to Peter Coads 
Object-Think board game designed to get programmers thinking 
in OO terms. Its not an online game though its an old fashioned 
board game like Monopoly etc...

 >  Does anybody have it ready?  

I don't have a reference to it but I guess a search for Peter 
Coad or 'Object Think' may turn something up. This is quite 
old so dunno if its still available, I saw it in about 
1993-4 time. 

OTOH you might be thinking of something completely different!

Alan g.