[Tutor] IDLE as battery included

Andrei Kulakov ak@silmarill.org
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 18:44:09 -0500

On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 12:34:14PM -0000, alan.gauld@bt.com wrote:
> > time to get a good feel for using number-command, i.e. you 
> > want to go 5 lines down and 4 columns to the right, so you 
> > need to hit 5j4l, 
> Personally I hardly ever use number commands except for 
> trivial distances. For navigating within a line I use f and t
> and for moving over lines I use / or ?

Well, I use number commands for up to 7x movements, and /, ? and f, w
for the rest.. Also, {} and () are indispensible.

> If you are using number targets then turning on line numbering 
> helps a lot - then you can just use G....
> :set nu

Yes, that's a good idea.. gg is even better, no reaching for the shift
button ;P Too bad nu takes up alot of space on the left. 7 spaces even
when the highest line nubmer takes only 2 spaces! I hope this can be
changed somehow..

> A 10 year vi user :-)
> And 12 year emacser... :-)
> Alan G.

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