[Tutor] IDLE as battery included

Kirby Urner urnerk@qwest.net
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 18:53:22 -0800

>I am certain that you can specifiy the colors to use for any given
>highlight group to get the colors you prefer.  I see the command
>"colorscheme" mentioned right below the "highlight" command in the
>help file.  That will likely be helpful to you as well.

Thanks to you and Andrei for tech and moral support. Vim is

I hacked together some silliness to ease the transition.
IDLE.vim, in the colors folder, now appears on the colors
selection list.  With Python syntax enabled, it makes
everything look comfortably IDLE-like.  It's not meant
for use as a generic color-scheme though -- just an
idiosyncratic "enhancement" for personal use.

" Vim color file
" Maintainer:   Kirby Urner <urnerk@qwest.net>
" Last Change:  2001 Nov 26

" This is the IDLE color scheme.  It's a quick hack to make Python
" files have colors similar to the ones we find in IDLE.

hi clear Normal
set bg&

" Remove all existing highlighting and set the defaults.
hi clear

" Load the syntax highlighting defaults, if it's enabled.
if exists("syntax_on")
   syntax reset

let colors_name = "IDLE"
hi pythonStatement         guifg=#FF6600
hi pythonConditional      guifg=#FF6600
hi pythonOperator         guifg=#FF6600
hi pythonPreCondit        guifg=#FF6600
hi pythonRepeat           guifg=#FF6600
hi pythonComment          guifg=#FF0000
hi pythonString           guifg=#339900
hi pythonFunction         guifg=#0000CC
" vim: sw=2

