[Tutor] IDLE as battery included

Kirby Urner urnerk@qwest.net
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 17:42:57 -0800

At 05:20 PM 11/26/2001 -0800, Kirby Urner wrote:

>>Just this:
>>augroup Python
>>     au!
>What's this "au" language?  Looks like French.  Do
>we have to program Vim in French then (I'm rusty)?

Anyway, I followed your instructions and the syntax
highlighting appears to work great, though I might
want to change the colors (to match IDLE's :-D).
Also, I went into python.vim in the syntax folder
and added 'yield' as a keyword (2.2).

... I see this color schemes thing, which lets me
pick from a list.  Very cool to have "convert to HTML"
reproduce those colors faithfully.  So is there a way
to duplicate the IDLE colors, e.g. keywords are orange,
strings forest green?  White background?  Clues?
