[Tutor] modifying Tkinter OptionMenus

Rick Pasotto rick@niof.net
Fri, 23 Nov 2001 10:50:17 -0500

How do I change what options an OptionMenu displays? How do I specify
those options from a list? How do I know when the user has made a
selection (there doesn't seem to be a command option)?

The documentation that I can find doesn't even mention OptionMenus and
all the references seem to indicate that the options must be hard coded.
The function that creates an OptionMenu uses positional arguments
instead of keyword arguments.

If you start with the already absurd assumption that the
government is the morally active force and that the nation is
passive, are you not putting morals, doctrines, opinions, wealth,
everything that makes up the life of the individual at the mercy
of the men who one after another come to power?
	-- Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)
    Rick Pasotto    rickp@telocity.com    http://www.niof.net