[Tutor] bound vs. unbound method?

Pijus Virketis virketis@fas.harvard.edu
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 10:24:54 -0500

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I found a brief mention of bound and unbound methods in Python on
comp.lang.python archives. What is the difference between the two? Here's a
piece of the original message:

******************************* Erik Max Francis wrote *********************

It [Python - added by me] even has both bound and unbound methods, something
which, for instance, C++ does not have: 

>>> class C: 
... def m(self, x): 
... print x 
>>> c = C() 
>>> unbound = C.m 
>>> unbound(c, 1) # must call with `self' argument explicitly 1 
>>> bound = c.m 
>>> bound(1) # `self' argument implied, not needed 1 


I don't know C++, so the distinction is sort of lost on me. :(


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I found a brief mention of bound and unbound methods in Python on
comp.lang.python archives. What is the difference between the two? Here's
a piece of the original message:<br>
******************************* Erik Max Francis wrote
It [Python - added by me] even has both bound and unbound methods,
something which, for instance, C++ does not have: <br>
<font color="#800000">&gt;&gt;&gt; class C:</font><font color="#000000">
... def m(self, x): <br>
... print x <br>
... <br>
</font><font color="#800000">&gt;&gt;&gt; c = C() <br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; unbound = C.m <br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; unbound(c, 1) # must call with `self' argument explicitly 1 <br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; bound = c.m <br>
&gt;&gt;&gt; bound(1) # `self' argument implied, not needed</font><font color="#000000"> 1 <br>
I don't know C++, so the distinction is sort of lost on me. :(<br>
Cheers, <br>
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