[Tutor] OOP programming principles overview?

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue, 20 Nov 2001 17:16:16 -0000

> I am reading the docs of Python, and the tutorial as well. 

Have you tried my online tutor as opposed to  the official 
Python tutor? If not go to:


Read the latter sections of Raw Materials, then the OO topic 
and then read through the event handling and Case Study topics
(which use OO).

Reread the python tutor on classes/objects and visit the

web site for links to all things OO.

Be prepared to unlearn some of what you've already learned
and think about real live objects sending messages to each 

> Worst of all is that I am sure that it is easy to understand, 
> and I find it very frustrating.

It is easy to undestand once you get past the initial hurdle
but there is a pretty big change of thinking about programs 
and their design to ber faced. Some folks just 'get it' and 
others take a long time. Most everybody likes it when they 
get there :-)

Alan G