[Tutor] OOP programming principles overview?

crapaudada crapaudada@ifrance.com
Tue, 20 Nov 2001 15:11:35 +0100


It may be a stupid question of a stupid user.

Here is my problem: I have heard for a long time about "Object Oriented 
Programming", with some odd words like "class" "inheritance", etc, etc...

At this day, even if I have tried some different languages (TCL, a little 
little; Rexx, a little; PHP, a little more), I never used the OOP opptions 
of them, because I never felt the need. For example, in PHP, I only used 
some functionnals options, and not the OOP potential.

I am reading the docs of Python, and the tutorial as well. And I apologize, 
but I don't understand what OOP concepts means, and how they function with 
each other.

So my question is: is there, between Hell (C++) and Paradise (Python), any 
good, accessible, easy document to understand this bloody concept?

Worst of all is that I am sure that it is easy to understand, and I find it 
very frustrating.

Thanks to all of you.

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