[Tutor] Problem seeing NT networked drives

Leighton Pritchard lep@aber.ac.uk
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 18:52:27 +0000

Hi all,

I'm having trouble viewing shared, networked (WinNT) directories from 
Python. The usual DOS commands work, e.g. :

D:\Temp>dir \\wordsworth\pub\

  Volume in drive \\wordsworth\pub has no label.
  Volume Serial Number is 401B-814E

  Directory of \\wordsworth\pub

14/08/01  15:29         <DIR>          .
14/08/01  15:29         <DIR>          ..
29/10/92  16:55                    296 DERIV.M
03/04/01  13:54                  6,542 MICROS.GFD
14/08/01  15:29         <DIR>          minitab
22/05/01  17:23         <DIR>          Strep IR 3 run 110401
                6 File(s)          6,838 bytes
                          10,592,698,368 bytes free

but from within Python I can't see the directory, and os.path.isdir() 
doesn't seem to want to know. I've checked the FAQ, and searched Google and 
GoogleDeja, but the only advice I can find is to make sure that I'm putting 
all the backslashes in, which I think I am...

 >>> os.path.isdir('\\\\wordsworth\\pub\\')
 >>> os.path.isdir('\\\\wordsworth\\pub')
 >>> os.path.isdir('//wordsworth/pub/')
 >>> os.path.isdir('//wordsworth/pub')

Please could someone point me in the right direction for a solution?

E: lep@aber.ac.uk; leighton@widdowquinn.fsnet.co.uk
W: http://users.aber.ac.uk/lep
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