[Tutor] Thanks

John Precedo johnp@reportlab.com
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 10:49:17 -0000

Edy Lie asked:
> I was wondering anyone use vi or vim to code in
> python. It would cool if
> there is a .vimrc which could do automatic indentation.

If you are on a PC, you can use gvim.

According to one of the guys in my office (who is a big fan), it does syntax
colorizing and all kinds of cool stuff. You can even use Python as the macro
language (extension language?) for it. And I _think_ it does indentation as

According to the 'Vi Lovers Home Page'
(http://www.thomer.com/thomer/vi/vi.html), the current version is
gvim60.zip, and available from ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/pc/gvim60.zip.

Hope this helps,

PS This is hearsay - I use Pythonwin for coding in myself.
John Precedo  (johnp@reportlab.com)    Developer
Reportlab Europe Ltd  (http://www.reportlab.com)