[Tutor] mp3 range violation reportage.

Tesla Coil tescoil@irtc.net
Tue, 29 May 2001 19:58:12 -0500

On 29 May 2001, Michael P. Reilly replied:
>> A "does user have mpg123 available" test might be nice
> Actually, there is a module out there to help; it isn't
> really a majorly important one.
> <URL: http://starship.python.net/~arcege/python/Os_path.py>

Not Found.  That would be:

Nice, but kinda compounds the problem in that one
is testing for a program not certain to be available
by using a module not certain to be available.  :{

I was looking at: 
>>> import os.path
>>> if not os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/mpg123'):
...     print 'clippage.py requires mpg123 on path.'

But don't know the system doesn't have mpg123 
in /usr/local/bin or elsewhere on path.

There's *gotta* be an easy answer to this one.