[Tutor] on line courses?

Rob Andrews randrews@planhouse.com
Tue, 22 May 2001 08:46:44 -0500

3;->I would also like to add that y'all would make my life much
3;->more comfortable
3;->if you wrote your answers after the relevant piece of the
3;->quoted message
3;->instead of writing your message first and then including
3;->the entire previous
3;->conversation below!  But perhaps it's penance for my sins.

It seems like a valid grumble. For the life of me, I don't seem able to
figure out how to set Outlook 2000 (which we must use at the office as
penance for my own sins) to exhibit the proper default behavior. But I'll
make efforts to ease your suffering by contributing to it less.


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