[Tutor] anyone know how to get installer to work?

Daniel Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue, 15 May 2001 15:37:04 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 14 May 2001, Brett wrote:

> I'm trying to learn how to use Tkinter, so I'm doing a project for my math 
> class using python.  I spent like 10 hours writing like 200 lines of code(I 
> had no idea what I was doing when I started)  and got ready to turn it into 
> an executable I can turn in.  Now, 2 hours later, I can't get standalone.py 
> to work.  It makes a dist_project, but when I try to run it it gives me a

Just wondering, how are you turning it into an executable?  Are you using
McMillian's Installer program?

> I have no clue what this means.  I already uninstalled python and 
> reinstalled python 2.0 and Installer installer20_3i.  Can anyone help, or 

Ah, ok, so it appears that you're using McMillian's Installer program.  
Have you tried py2exe?  I've heard that it's a lot easier to work
with.  py2exe can be found here:


> traceback...:
> file c:\python\lib\impututil.py...
> No module named time.

I have not been able to find this file as part of the standard module
library; does anyone know what impututil.py does?  The closest I've found
to it is "imputil.py".  And even then, I don't see a reference to time
within that file either.

Try out py2exe first, and tell us if that works for you.  Good luck!