[Tutor] What i should do?

Benoit Dupire bdupire@seatech.fau.edu
Mon, 07 May 2001 18:15:25 -0400

You need to create a new file in your editor, to put the code in it and
save it as a file with a .py extension, like "my_program.py"
You've just created a new python module.

If you're running Windows,  click on the Python icon, to start the
Python interpreter and you can then import your module, just typing:

import my_program

You can learn about this at:

The Python tutorial is at:


Jenkins wrote:

> After I write the code for my program how can I make it to work, how
> can I create the program

Benoit Dupire
Graduate Student
I'd like to buy a new Boomerang. How can i get rid of the old one?