[Tutor] preventing KeyError from "%"

Benoit Dupire bdupire@seatech.fau.edu
Thu, 03 May 2001 12:04:06 -0400

Oh oh oh !
I ve just seen Remco's answer (which is far better than mine, because field
names are not hard-coded )...

The idea is about the same though...


Lance E Sloan wrote:

> I use the "%" operator with strings a lot.  One of the things I
> commonly do is set a dictionary from values submitted via a web page
> form or read from a database.  It's not uncommon that some fields may
> be empty and there wouldn't be a key for that field in the dictionary.
> When I use that dictionary with "%" and the format string calls for
> that key, I get this exception:
>         KeyError: x
> How can I get "%" to not throw an exception, but instead skip over that
> key and move on to the next substitution?  For example, if I have
> this:
>         lance = {'first': 'Lance', 'mi': 'E', 'last': 'Sloan'}
>         monty = {'first': 'Monty', 'last': 'Python'}
>         print '%(first)s %(mi)s %(last)s\n' % lance
>         print '%(first)s %(mi)s %(last)s\n' % monty
> it would produce:
>         Lance E Sloan
>         Monty  Python
> instead of throwing an exception for the "% monty" line.
> --
> Lance E Sloan
> Web Services, Univ. of Michigan: Full-service Web and database design,
> development, and hosting.  Specializing in Perl & Python CGIs.
> http://websvcs.itd.umich.edu/ - "Putting U on the Web"
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Benoit Dupire
Graduate Student
I'd like to buy a new Boomerang. How can i get rid of the old one?