[Tutor] mailman html page

Daniel Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sat, 24 Mar 2001 20:34:41 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001, Rodeo Red wrote:

> This is from the Mailman interface. I think this is a python question, I
> think these tags are for python, but I could be wrong:  
> <td>
>             <MM-Undigest-Radio-Button> No
> 	    <MM-Digest-Radio-Button>  Yes
> 	</TD>
>       </tr>
>       <tr>
> 	<td colspan="3">
> 	  <center><MM-Subscribe-Button>
> Anyway, what i want to do is change it so there is only a subscribe
> button, without giving the user a choice.  It's only supposed to
> subscribe them to the digest version. The best I can get is to leave the
> Undigest button out, but if the user doesn't check the digest button
> they get the  undigest version.  

(Side note: you'd probably get a better answer if you sent you question to
the Mailman people, since we focus more on Python as a language, not as
Python in a practical setting.  Ahem.)

It sounds like you want to change the default settings of your list.  I
did a quick search, and from looking at /home/mailman/Mailman/Defaults.py,
the following text catches the eye:

You should NOT edit the values here unless you're changing settings for
distribution.  For site-specific settings, put your definitions in
mm_cfg.py after the point at which it includes (via 'from ... import *')
this file, to override the distributed defaults with site-specific ones.

... [later on...]


So yes, there appears to be a way to have it, by default, assign your
mailing list to use digest as its delivery method.  You'll want to edit to
edit /home/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py, and right below the line:

from Defaults import *

put the line:


which, with luck, should set things up properly.  Afterwards, if you
remove the button from your HTML template, it should go for digests.

Still, send your question to the Mailman folks, because I'm only guessing
at this point.  You can find them here:
