[Tutor] OOP design (w/ example :-)

Timothy Wilson wilson@visi.com
Sat, 24 Mar 2001 13:36:32 -0600 (CST)

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001, Deirdre Saoirse wrote:

> > To keep things simple for now, I'm storing the students in a simple text
> > file with last name, first name, and gender. (At some point I'd like to have
> > the option of mixing gender in the groups.) Here's a sample file:
> >
> > van Rossum,Guido,M
> What, I don't rate? :)

Sorry, I was going off the top of my head and looking at my stash of Python
books at the same time. I'll add you to the file immediately! :-)


Tim Wilson      | Visit Sibley online:         | Check out:
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