[Tutor] Hello...

XtreemGamer@aol.com XtreemGamer@aol.com
Fri, 23 Mar 2001 21:33:43 EST

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Hello I was woundering how to make an entry feild work as a prompt variable 
to store data witch effects a label or a message or something witch is called 
after the Entry feild has been entered?(Tkinter question incase you didn't 

thx,and goodbye,


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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><BODY BGCOLOR="#ff8000"><FONT  COLOR="#000080" SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B>Hello I was woundering how to make an entry feild work as a prompt variable 
<BR>to store data witch effects a label or a message or something witch is called 
<BR>after the Entry feild has been entered?(Tkinter question incase you didn't 
<BR>thx,and goodbye,
<BR></FONT></FONT><FONT  COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=4 FACE="Calligrapher" LANG="0"><U>-~-X-t-r-e-e-m-G-a-m-e-r-~-</B></U></FONT></HTML>
