[Tutor] Signals

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 10:26:16 -0000

> Where is a good tutorial for signals? 

Let's first confirm what you mean by 'signals'.
Which OS? - I normally associate signals with *nix
and its signal() system call, but you might be 
meaning the more general meaning of catching 
interrupts or some other kind of 'signal' from 

> I have a need to parse data from an ISA bus 
> board to a database. 

So the hardware raises an interrupt which is 
translated into a *nix signal? You then want 
to read from the hardware (via an IO port?)
and store the parsed data in a database?

If so, then the best place to start is at the 
low level C signal call and the hardware vendors
specs for reading the IO port...

Alternatively if you have the excellent O'Reilly 
book "Unix Systems Programming" look it up in there.

If that's a wrong interpretation of your request 
please clarify and ask about the specific thing 
you need help with.

Alan G.