FW: [Tutor] xml stuff

Furmanek, Greg Greg.Furmanek@hit.cendant.com
Fri, 9 Mar 2001 11:16:07 -0500

How do I change unicode to askii?

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: Kalle Svensson [mailto:kalle@gnupung.net]
-> Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 3:00 PM
-> To: tutor@python.org
-> Subject: Re: [Tutor] xml stuff
-> Sez Furmanek, Greg:
-> > Ok I have used the expat stuff and I get some strange results:
-> > 
-> > Character data: [u'    ']
-> [snip]
-> > 
-> > when parsing some stuff I get these u characters.
-> > Is this normal. code follows:
-> Yes, I think so.  It means that the returned string is a 
-> unicode object.
-> That's got to do with character sets and stuff that I don't 
-> even want to
-> know about.  ISO-8859-1 was good enough for granddad! <wink>
-> Peace,
->   Kalle
-> -- 
-> Email: kalle@gnupung.net     | You can tune a filesystem, but you
-> Web: http://www.gnupung.net/ | can't tune a fish. -- man tunefs(8)
-> PGP fingerprint: 0C56 B171 8159 327F 1824 F5DE 74D7 80D7 BF3B B1DD
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