[Tutor] Read - Only Text?

Tim Johnson tim@johnsons-web.com
Mon, 5 Mar 2001 07:56:00 -0900

Hi Michael:
On Mon, 05 Mar 2001, Michael P. Reilly wrote:
> About the "best" way (which I've still found some problems with) is to
> use a Text widget and to unbind the key events in the Text "class".
> This is fairly drastic, because it will apply the change to all Text
> widgets ("class" here is a GUI term, not Python's classes).  The reason
> this has to be done is because Tk has a multilevel event binding: first
> the widget's specific binding, then the class's binding.  You could
> remove or override the key bindings (<KeyPress>, <KeyRelease>) on the
> widget, but the classes bindings would still be there.
> How I've removed them is:
>   master.unbind_class("Text", "<Return>")
>   master.unbind_class("Text", "<Any-KeyPress>")
>   master.unbind_class("Text", "<Any-KeyRelease>")
>   textwid = Text(master, ...)
I am unclear from the code above what class "master" is instantiated from.
Is it the main Tk() object?
[In time crunch today, so don't have time to experiment 'til evening  :>) ]
> Notice that I don't use the widget itself to unbind the Text class.  It
> is a global change, so it can work on just about any widget.  After
> this you may bind more events to the widget itself.
> But, the issue is that this will make the change to ALL Text widgets in
> your application, not just the one you create.
> You might want to look at my Xmore application where I do this (with
> one bug on the ^o key that I never figured out, which does modify the
> text).
I have downloaded Xmore and will look at it more today. Nice stuff, it's
going to be good code to review!!
Thanks Michael!
Tim Johnson
"Of all manifestations of power,
 restraint impresses the most."