[Tutor] 'number' strings error

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Sun, 4 Mar 2001 17:25:06 -0000

> When I run this I get a 'cannot assign to literal' on the 
> number strings.

Thats because you are using numbers as variables which is 
not allowed. Try using one, two, three etc instead
> 1 = '1'        #
> 2 = '2'        # errors on these - try one = '1' instead
> 3 = '3'        #
> l = [a, b, c]
> n = [1, 2, 3]   # and this becomes [one,two,three] 
			# or just use ['1','2','3']...
> if l:
>     l1 = random.choice(l)
> if l:

Since this is already tested above why not combine all the l
conditions like:
if l:
   l1 = random.choice(l)
   l2 = random.choice(l)
   l3 = ...
   l4 = ....
> if n:
>     n1 = random.choice(n)

Or does random.choice change l during its action - eek! bad!

Alan G