[Tutor] Windows-EXE-Files

Timothy M. Brauch tbrauch@mindless.com
Sun, 04 Mar 2001 01:48:26 -0500

Ha, here is one I can (try to) answer.  Essentially, if someone doesn't
have Python installed, they can't run *.py or *.pyw files.  Now, this
reason alone should be enough to convince anyone to download and install
Python, along with the sheer fun of programming in such an easy-to-learn
language.  But, alas, it is hard to actually convince most Windows users
of this (trust me, I am slowly weening myself from Windows so I know how
Windows users think).

But, as luck would have it, you are definitely not the only person to
ask this question and somebody decided to give us some help.  Something
that I use, Freeze, can be found at
<http://www.mcmillan-inc.com/install1.html>.  It is not that difficult
to use and, best of all, it actually works.  I've created Python
programs using VPython and sent them through Freeze.  After emailing
them to friends who use Windows, they can run the program, with VPython
support.  Even though it supports it, I haven't tried using it with Tk
yet, but that is a whole different problem that I am having on my own

Sascharrer@aol.com wrote:
> Hi, there!
> When I have a finished python program (some *.py files), can I create a
> Win95-EXE - file out of it?
> (I'm using the BeOpen-Python-2.0.exe pack for Windows 95/98/NT)
> Thanks
> Sascharrer
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