[Tutor] Files, directories and syntax

Karen Windus kwindus@hotmail.com
Thu, 01 Mar 2001 20:40:58

I've been asked to resend this as an attachment. Actually, I'll just repaste 
into this document and hope that works. I was sending the last message from 
my shell account so I guess pine didn't like my attempts to indent (the 
script is indented, although I don't know if it is correctly).

#! /usr/bin/env python

def change_lines(directory = None):
   import glob, re
   result = []
   filepattern = '*.{html}'
   filelist = glob.glob1(directory, filepattern)
   regexp = re.compile(r"Your Turn")
   for i in filelist:
   file = open(i,"rw")
   print "We opened a file"
      for file in filelist:
      lines = filenames.readlines()
         for line in lines:
         result = regexp.search(line)
            if result == None:
            print "Result was equal to None"
            elif 'Your' in line or 'Turn' in line:
            print "we had a match"
            print result
            print "Nothing happened"
   return result
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