[Tutor] OOP with Tk/Tkinter

Brendon bren@europe.nl.com
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 23:22:47 +0200

On Friday 29 June 2001 23:07, you wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, Brendon wrote:
> > Now that i've been through the tutorial on
> > http://www.crosswinds.net/~agauld/
> >
> > I'm not sure where to go next. I want to learn more about GUI object
> > orientated programming with Tk/Tkinter. I've only be able to find two
> > tutorials for Tk/Tkinter and both were not OO.
> If you're thinking about Tkinter stuff, then Grayson's book, "Python and
> Tkinter Programming", is essential --- there's a lot of good material, and
> its emphasis is on object oriented gui's.  There's even a section that
> talks about general Python tips, so it's a good book.

I'll look into it :)

> Also, you can ask us for examples of OOP'ed GUI's, and we'll be glad to
> oblige.  What sort of program do you want to write?

Well, eventually i want to be able to write a simple jabber client (not using 
any code from pybber) and although i'd rather do it in qt/kde there doesn't 
seem to be a python binding for kde2, so Tkinter it will be.

I still don't know enough python and Tkinter to even start this, which is why 
i'm looking for a(/another) good tutorial but examples would be fine also i 

I've seen a AOL messenger client which could have been useful, but again.. it 
wasn't object orientated. Ofcourse i could simply use pybber, but a) it's a 
little too large and b) it uses gtk, which i want to avoid.

"if we live by an "eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"...before long, 
the whole world will be blind and toothless." 
         --Tevye, Fiddler on the Roof