[Tutor] Re: GUI die when execute sys.exit() (D-Man)

Glen Wheeler wheelege@tsn.cc
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 17:59:53 +1000

> On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 04:14:40PM -0500, Peter He wrote:
> |
> | I used 'GUI die' in my last question. What I actually meant is that the
> | freezes. GUI is still there but you can't close it and no response when
> | click the buttons on it. So I have to restart Python to get rid of it.
> The question is "which gui?" -- is it your gui (that you made with the
> sample code) or the PythonWin gui?  In either case, PythonWin and IDLE
> and other IDEs don't work with GUI apps.  Just use python directly
> from the command line (DOS shell).

  I believe that PythonWin works fine with tkinter apps - at least it has
with every tkinter app I've written.  Something to do with the fact that it
is not written in tcl/tk itself, unlike IDLE.


> -D