[Tutor] Text to GUI with Tkinter

Mark Tobin mtobin@bigfoot.com
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 16:30:09 -0400

On 28 Jun 2001, at 0:18, Roman Suzi wrote:

> On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Mark Tobin wrote:
> >Does anybody have any general suggestions for taking a
> >(somewhat) complete text based program and translating it to a
> >Tkinter GUI?  Is there a procedure or process that makes this a
> >simpler task then it appears on the surface?  What steps have you
> >taken to do this?  Should I have been planning to GUIfy the
> >program from the beginning, and now I'm essentially going to have
> >to rewrite the program?  I'm just looking for some broad ideas.
> The answer depends on what the program does and how fat is it's
> connection to user: how much controls it has.

Hmmm.. I see what you're saying... in my particular app the 
interface simply controls the execution of some functions and 
displays results (pretty simple), but I'm really asking from a larger 
design perspective...

> I think the best approach is:
> To sort out everything concerned with program controls and parameters.
> Decide what of that set goes to config-files and what needs to be
> presented to the user in GUI form.
> For example, GUI for the CD writing software could be very
> different:
> EasyCD gives user several buttons to choose from, while gcombust has
> several screens full of options and lists for the user to tweak
> (and, in fact, gcombust uses comman-line tools like cdrecord
> and mkisofs (those have lots of CLUI options!)).

Good example... I think I see

> So, "guifying" is very depending on the tasks target user need to perform.
> The wise solution is to separate program logic from GUI.  This way you
> could change both with less trouble later.

That's sort of what Archimedes suggested and in retrospect makes 
a fair bit of sense, but I wish I knew that when I started... oh well.. 
next time ;-)

> Why do you need GUI?

I don't really, I just want to figure this stuff out...
> >Thanks,
> >Mark
> Sincerely yours, Roman Suzi
Thanks Again, Mark
> -- 
> _/ Russia _/ Karelia _/ Petrozavodsk _/ rnd@onego.ru _/
> _/ Wednesday, June 27, 2001 _/ Powered by Linux RedHat 6.2 _/
> _/ "No sense being pessimistic. It wouldn't work anyway." _/