[Tutor] Brainbench certification

kromag@nsacom.net kromag@nsacom.net
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 16:38:05 -0700 (PDT)

Well, I tried taking the brainbench python1.5 certification.

I am now going home to dab soothing ungents upon my footprint-covered 

For those of us who never dealt with python previous to 2.0... you guys had 
some UUUUUGLY lookin' stuff going on back in the day.

BTW, I got a 2.45, 2.75 is required to pass. I really doubt that I deserved 
the 2.45 as I am sure I guessed at at least 1/3 of them. (Okay, half) The 
hardest thing about the test is having the fortitude to not paste all the 
example code into your interpreter!

Be warned: the writer of this particular test has a deep and abiding 
understanding of numeric functions. If you do not, save your $20.00 until you 
do! :-)

And that is the news from the newbie front.


P.S. Are there any other quiz-type sites like this that would help a poltroon 
learn all the weird bits?