[Tutor] A Challenge solution

Jesse W jessw@loop.com
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 11:47:00 -0700

Dear Rabid Pythonics,
Gregor Lingl wrote: (in non-list e-mail)
> I was able to use your calculator to calcultate
> 10 * 9 in the following way:
>    11 - 1 = * 9 =
> result: 90
> But how do I calculate 10 * 10 ?
> Regards
> Gregor Lingl
> P.S.: Perhaps you should add "(" and ")"
> or, even better, "0"?
	Oh my.  Wow.  Ooof.  I really did- I really left- <hysterical, 
surprised laughter> I really left _zero_ off the calculator.  <closes 
his jaw, with a snap>  Oh.  Well, I'll go fix that now.  Thank you very 
much. :-)

					Jesse W