[Tutor] Help

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 08:20:49 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Inka Menne wrote:

> today I started lerarning python. I hope to manage it. I never learned
> a progam language bevor. I am a designer, working in the font
> buisness. Is there someone how knows something about python and
> FontLab 4? How much Python must do I have learn to deal with FontLab
> 4? I'm working with a book from Ivan laningham to learn Python. At the
> moment I'm on page 77 and it is very strange for me. regards Inka

Hmmm... not quite sure about this one.  I'd expect that you'll need to
learn enough Python to use modules or objects.  Have you found any web
resources that explain how to work with Fontlab's Python stuff yet?

What sort of stuff is feeling strange in the Python book?  Perhaps we can
help clear things up!

Hope to talk to you later!