[Tutor] What are you all up to?

Sheila King sheila@thinkspot.net
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 20:41:10 -0700

On Sat, 23 Jun 2001 11:29:27 -0700, "Jesse W" <jessw@loop.com>  wrote
about [Tutor] What are you all up to?:

:	What are you all up to?  What projects are you working on?

I haven't had as much time for Python as I would like (started learning
it in January). As time goes on, I hope to have more and more time for
my web stuff and programming. (I just quit my job as a high school math
teacher and will be moving to university...hoping for more free time.)

So far what I've written: well, the numerous small learning scripts that
everyone writes. And then, I've written some things that I actually USE:

I have a script for filtering my mail at my webhost. It searches to
to/form fields of the e-mail message and decides whether it is likely to
be spam or not. It adds header tags for my mail client to filter on.

I wrote a short script that processes and mails the spam I want to
report to spamcop.net.

I've written a few cgi scripts for my web page. I have one for letting
the subscribers to my AP Computer Science teachers mailing list manage
their list settings, here:

My biggest project thus far, has been Gypsy Mail:
which is an ongoing project.

I have a number of things I want to work on this next year. One of
which, is a robot moderator script for Usenet moderators (of which, I am

I'd like to get into Tkinter and/or other GUIs.

Sheila King