[Tutor] What are you all up to?

Russell rab121@york.ac.uk
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 21:37:08 +0100

Jesse W wrote:
>What are you all up to? What projects are you working on?
My current (and first ever - I only started reading 'Learning Python' a
couple of weeks ago) is a simple analyser for log files produced by a
program that I use.  I'm really chuffed at how well it is coming
together, mostly I think because of Python's niceness.
>I am a 17 year old Python hacker-in-training. I tend to write re- >implementations of games 
Strangely enough I have a big project in mind to rewrite a old board
game ;o)  Long time in the future though, skills to learn ;o)

>and many other small programs.
This I think is one of the joys of Python, or any such language.  I
tried to learn to program in Visual Basic a few years back and used to
get so tied up in making things look pretty and adding new bits because
it looked good.  Now I pop open my text editor, jam down some code and I
have a working (well, almost) little thing that does something useful
for me.

When you look up into the night sky and see the millions of glittering
stars, do you ever stop and wonder whether there might be another family
somewhere up there, living their peaceful pink lives on some distant
blue moon?