[Tutor] win98 path

ak@silmarill.org ak@silmarill.org
Sat, 16 Jun 2001 02:07:12 -0400

On Sat, Jun 16, 2001 at 03:39:20PM +1000, Jordan Stanley wrote:
> with a lot of the examples i have the path is for linux which i dont
> have installed at the moment.
> when it says on the first line #/usr/src et cetera
> in windblows do i change that to #/c:/python21/ ???
> thanks in advance 
> Jordan
> mailto:jstanley@start.com.au

I don't have windows installed but I think you either have #!C:\path_to_python
OR don't have anything there, and windows just knows it's python source because
file is named .py. 

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