[Tutor] Extending PythonWin as a quick and dirty GUI

Phil Bertram phil.bertram@clear.net.nz
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 11:53:43 +1200

Hi all,

I am trying to develop an app that uses a Tkinter GUI.
I am developing the code in 'text' mode and will hook in my GUI later.

I am under the impression that PythonWin can be simply and quickly extended
and used as a GUI for python code. Eg. One is able to add a couple of menu
items to PythonWin, run your code from these menus, print to the PythonWin
interactive window etc etc.

I would like to do this during development and when things are working, then
spend the time writing the proper GUI.

Is this possible with PythonWin ?