[Tutor] outputting HTML

Rob Andrews rob@jam.rr.com
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 23:06:29 -0500

Matthew Vogel wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a newbie to python programming and i am having some trouble
> getting started in what i want to do.  I have written a C program that
> calls different functions in a library that i also wrote, in order to
> determine what records(name type and value) are stored in a given
> file. Now my problem is that i need to use python to output these
> values to an html file.
> I know i need to use the os.popen() function to open the file that the
> user will enter as a command line argument when i run the main.py file
> ie (main.py filename).
> The question is , once i run my c program from inside python to
> manipulate this data how do i output to html??
> What functions are there in which i can output in html format, if i
> have already written an html page with headers and such????
> any help would be appreciated greatly
> thanks Matt

Sounds like fun! (heehee) Were you looking for info on generating the
HTML, writing it to a file, or both? An example of a rudimentary web
page maker from the Useless Python collection may be found here:


You may find something of value in it.

Happy Hacking,

As foretold by Nostradamus....
Useless Python!