[Tutor] Central Python Library / Viewing __doc__ strings

Patrick K. O'Brien pobrien@orbtech.com
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 11:12:09 -0500

Not entirely sure what you are looking for, but here are some suggestions

1. Type dir() to see a list of stuff in the current namespace. Type
dir([object]) to get a list of attributes/methods/functions for an object.
For example:

>>> import pydoc
>>> dir(pydoc)
['Doc', 'ErrorDuringImport', 'HTMLDoc', 'HTMLRepr', 'Helper',
'ModuleScanner', 'Repr', 'Scanner', 'TextDoc', 'TextRepr', '__author__',
'__builtins__', '__credits__', '__date__', '__doc__', '__file__',
'__name__', '__version__', 'allmethods', 'apropos', 'classname', 'cli',
'cram', 'describe', 'doc', 'expandtabs', 'find', 'getdoc', 'getpager',
'gui', 'help', 'html', 'imp', 'importfile', 'inspect', 'isdata',
'ispackage', 'ispath', 'join', 'locate', 'lower', 'os', 'pager', 'pathdirs',
'pipepager', 'plain', 'plainpager', 're', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rstrip',
'safeimport', 'serve', 'split', 'splitdoc', 'stat', 'strip', 'stripid',
'synopsis', 'sys', 'tempfilepager', 'text', 'ttypager', 'types', 'writedoc',

2. Look in the documentation at the module index to see all the modules and
the functions defined in each
(http://www.python.org/doc/current/modindex.html). Or try the index

Let me know if I am way off base because I'm sure I probably misunderstood
the question.

Patrick K. O'Brien
"I am, therefore I think."

-----Original Message-----
From: tutor-admin@python.org [mailto:tutor-admin@python.org]On Behalf Of
Allan Crooks
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 9:29 AM
To: tutor@python.org
Subject: [Tutor] Central Python Library / Viewing __doc__ strings



Which now brings me to my next question: Is there a central repository of
functions that exist somewhere? Something like a utility module? It just
seems a shame for all these methods to just float around without having a
home of some sort...

Thanks again,

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org