[Tutor] ExpectPy HOWTO/Tutorial/Handholding

Curtis Larsen curtis.larsen@Covance.Com
Thu, 07 Jun 2001 13:27:26 -0500

According to this recent blurb in "Dr. Dobbs' Python-URL" (a weekly
"what's-new-in-Python" e-mail newsletter), there may be another

How do you do serial IO in Python? Usual answer: It depends on
your operating system. New answer: not anymore! XIO is a new
cross-platform serial port driver for win32 and Unix.

Following the link, we learn more:

"Currently, the module implements port creation, opening, closing,
configuration, reading, writing & status peeking. It has been tested
under Linux-x86 and Win-9X. It contains a naive implementation of flow
control (and pretty untested -- so beware!)."

Hope that helps!

PS: To receive a new issue of "Dr. Dobbs" in e-mail each Monday
morning, ask <claird@neosoft.com> to subscribe.  Mention "Python-URL!".

>>> <kromag@nsacom.net> 06/07/2001 11:37:29 AM >>>
Several weeks ago I posted a question about parsing data from a serial
The data from the serial port uses a binary 3 to signal that it is
transmitting. Someone mentioned that the ExpectPy module might be a
candidate for parsing this data.

Does anyone have a HOWTO for ExpectPy?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org 

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