[Tutor] Converting problem sets from other languages into Python?

Rob Andrews rob@jam.rr.com
Wed, 06 Jun 2001 06:44:46 -0500

Glen Wheeler wrote:
> > <...>
> >
> > What do people think?
> >
>   Great idea!
>   Some good all-round computer problems can be found at
> http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/progcomp - just click on the links to see the
> problems for the various years (the grand final ones are particularly fun
> :).
>   Glen.

Superlative, Glen! I've added this material to the list of programming
contest problem links on the appropriate Useless page:


While we're kinda on the subject, I'll go ahead and leak an up-coming
feature for Useless. (First I need to finish the program that will
automatically generate the HTML pages, but I'm mostly there.)

Once it's begun, for each script someone contributes to Useless, the
contributor will be able to add an icon to a script by someone else,
indicating one of several things ("I actually used this", "I learned
something from this", "This is indeed Useless", etc.). But for each
programming contest or Python Challenge solution, the contributor will
receive two of these. Aside from adding some humor and interesting
commentary to the scripts, I'm hoping this will encourage budding coders
to share their gifts more.

Okay, I'm done now,

Useless Python!
Kinda like the AOL of the Open Source Community 3;->