[Tutor] Prompt

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Sun, 3 Jun 2001 21:16:29 +0100

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Thank you all for the suport. My bigest problem right now is getiing the
software to run. I downloaded python 2.0 Windows Installer from the
python.org web site. I am still having a problem  with the prompt screen
closing too fast I can even read what is says!   

This seems to be common for beginners on windoze.
Try running the Python GUI(IDLE) instead of Python.
Or if you got the ActiveState version run Pythonwin.
Alternatively start a DOS box session and type python
at the C:> prompt. That way the DOS box stays put 
after your program runs so you see the output!
Somebody should really write up in detail how to start 
a program (and the interpreter) for non command-line 
users.... I've been meaning to add it to my tutor 
for months!
Alan g

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  <DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial>Thank you all for the suport. My bigest 
  problem right now is getiing the software to run.&nbsp;I downloaded python 2.0 
  Windows&nbsp;Installer from the python.org web site. I am still having a 
  problem&nbsp;&nbsp;with the prompt screen closing too fast I can 
  even&nbsp;read what is says!&nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT color=#0000ff 
  face="Courier New"><SPAN 
  <DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff 
  face="Courier New"><SPAN 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
class=500491720-03062001>This seems to be common for beginners on 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
class=500491720-03062001>Try running the Python GUI(IDLE) instead of 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
class=500491720-03062001>Or if you got the ActiveState version run 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
class=500491720-03062001>Alternatively start a DOS box session and type 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
class=500491720-03062001>at the C:&gt; prompt. That way the DOS box stays put 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
class=500491720-03062001>after your program runs so you see the 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
class=500491720-03062001>Somebody should really write up in detail how to start 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
class=500491720-03062001>a </SPAN></FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT size=2><FONT 
face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
class=500491720-03062001>program (and the interpreter) for non command-line 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
class=500491720-03062001>users.... I've been meaning to add it to my tutor 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
class=500491720-03062001>for months!</SPAN></FONT></FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
class=500491720-03062001>Alan g</SPAN></FONT></FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#0000ff face="Courier New"><SPAN 
