[Tutor] Re: Useless Thanks!

Deirdre Saoirse Moen deirdre@deirdre.net
Sun, 3 Jun 2001 09:02:54 -0700

>  > Think it really bad needs to feature a list of the
>>  "Top Ten Most Useless Python Programmers."

I love this idea!

Strangely enough, my own contribution came up on a job interview last 
week when someone asked about whether I'd written network clients or 
servers. I pointed out that my example of both had been up on the 
useless python pages for some time. :)

>What would make it even more handy? I'll certainly add the new
>challenges suggested to me over the last few days, which seem to be
>amusing some of you. I've been trying to work on my web programming
>skills (in Python, of course), and would like to add more interactivity
>to the site. Aside from coming up with a way for people to upload their
>own source files and descriptions, I've thought it would be interesting
>if viewers could vote on the uselessness of any script and/or mark
>whether they think it's Newbie, Intermediate, Advanced, Guru, or Yoo
>level. Oh, and as soon as I can figure out where we're keeping our log
>files, I'll try to make some stats available.

My dislike of that kind of system is that then there tend to be 
cliques (like in Advogato, where cliques of people can vote someone 
up or down). How about someone votes on whether or not the example 
was useful to them?

>It's your site. How do you want it to grow next?

But thanks for letting me know what I *really* should do (other than 
submit it) with my simulation modeling homework examples. After all, 
the bagel baker example DOES explain why the store might be out of 
_Deirdre     Stash-o-Matic: http://weirdre.com      http://deirdre.net
Macintosh Developer (seeking work): Will work for Cocoa
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
                                                          - Douglas Adams