[Tutor] new to python...

Rob Andrews rob@jam.rr.com
Sun, 03 Jun 2001 01:41:55 -0500

sean schroeder wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a heavy Perl programmer and very interested in learning how to use
> Python - mainly for the following type of tasks:
>                 - cgi scripting
>                 - databases  access (mysql, oracle, postgress)
>                 - Reading and writing to files.
> I have begun using Perl's OOP functionality, but believe that Python is
> better suited for the UML and OOPD methodologies that I have embarked on.
> Last Note:  is there a Python compiler avaialable  for either Linux or NT?
> So, with the above information in mind. I am looking for a resource that
> will help me easily make the transition.  More specifically I am looking for
> a PDF or book that basically shows/explains how to mvoe from Perl to Python
> as painlessly as possible.
> thanks
> Sean Schroeder

You might want to check these out. This is a page of links to tutorials,
accompanied by brief descriptions of each. Some are designed with Perl
programmers and the like in mind:


Python is great for working with CGI and other forms of web programming.
You may be interested in *Programming Python, 2nd edition* once you
become somewhat familiar with Python. It covers the areas you expressed
interest in with some considerable detail, in a tutorial style.


Useless Python!
Kinda like the AOL of the Open Source Community 3;->