[Tutor] Off Topic - tutor@pyhon.org FAQ?

Benoit Dupire bdupire@seatech.fau.edu
Sat, 02 Jun 2001 18:22:31 -0400

alan.gauld@bt.com wrote:

> > If one does not exist I would be willing to contribute my
> > time.
> You said the magic words.
> Feel free, I'm pretty sure there iusn't a tutor-faq yet
> and yes we do get a lot of duplication. Just nobody
> else has time...
> So I say go for it.
> Alan G.

yep.. i began to do such a faq !!!! (but i am late at reading the tutor
my first idea was to sumarize the most common  threads..
and the best answers

but I quickly stopped, because i found that
looks a lot  like what i was looking for......

the first draft (quite basic) of what i did is at

but i figured out i wouldn't have enough time....

All suggestions are welcome...
Alan, you can of course use what i did if you want....

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Benoit Dupire