[Tutor] Lists... [book recommendation]

Daniel Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 02:16:29 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 31 May 2001, Andrew Wilkins wrote:

> > If it's possible to sort both lists of numbers, then taking the
> > intersection of two sorted lists isn't too bad either; what kind of things
> > will your lists contain?
> They'll just contain positive integers, sorry for not mentioning
> earlier...I'll try to be a little less abstract in future! But it
> really doesn't need to be sorted, I just want to know whether any of
> list a's elements are contained in list b. The solutions I've got
> already are great, so don't worry about this one anymore. Thanks!

It's an interesting problem though; it almost reminds me of something I
saw from the book, "Programming Pearls", by Jon Bentley.  Bentley's
introductory problem is similar because it deals with sorting a lot of
phone numbers.  His program was expected to deal with millions of numbers,
so he needed to do something really cute to get it to sort quickly.

Just wanted to throw that book recommendation out in the open.  *grin*
"Programming Pearls" is a very nice book though and a good read!