[Tutor] Threading a Class?

Britt Green britt_green@hotmail.com
Mon, 09 Jul 2001 09:57:44 -0700

Alright, I think I have the basics of my Time class going the way I want it 
to. Now I need to make it threaded. This is what I have so far:

import time

class GameTime:
    def __init__(self):
        print "Class GameTime initiated."

    def updateTime(self):
        while 1:
            self.theTime = time.ctime(time.time())
            print self.theTime
            time.sleep( 20 )

myTime = GameTime()

The time.sleep() function causes my program to, well, sleep for twenty 
seconds and during that time my program can do nothing else. I'd like to put 
this in a thread so that other things can be executed while the timer is 

Unfortunately, I'm kind of stuck on how to do this. I've gotten pointed in 
the right direction by a couple of books, but because this is the first time 
I've written anything involving threads, I could really use some 
step-by-step instruction on this.

Many thanks!

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