[Tutor] Returning a variable from a module

pd pd@localhost.localdomain
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 20:52:36 +1000 (EST)

  I have a problem with functions/modules. My code is as follows:


def get(filename):
	"""Gets values from a config  file.
	This function scans a single config file in the format:
		[Config Filename]
	Note: each configuration option is on a new line,
	and there is no space on either side of the equal
	sign. It dumps the value into a dictionary called
	config which is a global variable. It is assumed
	that the config file is an ascii text file."""
	import string
	file = filename
	configFile= open(file, 'r')
	configList = configFile.readlines()
	for n in range(0, len(configList)):
		configList[n] = string.rstrip(configList[n])
		configList[n] = string.lstrip(configList[n])
		configList[n] = string.replace(configList[n], '\012', '')
	global config	
	config = {} 
	for n in range(1, len(configList)):
		splitString = string.split(configList[n], '=')
		config[splitString[0]] = splitString[1]


When I cut and paste the code listed below, and call the function with: 

It seems to work, but when I save this code into a file called
configlib.py and try to get values from the variable config. It doesnt
seem to work.
		import configlib

This leads to my question: How do I access a variable that I have created
within a module which I have imported?