[Tutor] a question based on Sheila's Tkinter class defn questions

Stephen Lastinger s.lastinger@computernetdesign.com
Sat, 7 Jul 2001 19:39:58 -0400 (EDT)

Just to see if I got this straight....Based on this formula:

instance.method(args...) => becomes => class.method(instance, args...)

Frame.__init__(self, parent=None)

calls the Frame superclass __init__ method by a (and i'm not sure i'm
using the right term here) instance caller like:


and blah would be the argument passed to parent?

I've got inheretance[sp.] and specialization down cold, but this

and passing blah to parent...would that in turn be passed to the Frame
__init__ method, and if so is it master, cnf, **kw, or none of the

this just seems like a damn ugly way to do things.....

on an opposite note...I ment to say something earlier but I've been trying
to grapple with the above stuff....Danny your Ballon class e-mail on june
28th was beautiful.  This is simple and elegant (and fun!).
Loved it.

class Balloon:
    def __init__(self, shape, color):
        self.shape, self.color = shape, color
    def __add__(self, other):
        return Balloon('%s tied with %s' % (self.shape, other.shape),
                       '%s-%s' % (self.color, other.color))

myballoon = Balloon('airplane', 'blue')
print myballoon.color, 'is the color of my balloon.'
balloon_bag = [ Balloon('heart', 'red'),
                Balloon('robot', 'silver'),
                Balloon('blimp', 'black') ]

Let's see what happens:

>>> b1 = Balloon('tree', 'red')
>>> b2 = Balloon('bear', 'gold')
>>> b1 + b2
<__main__.Balloon instance at 80ccd30>
>>> b3 = b1 + b2
>>> print b3.shape
tree tied with bear
>>> print b3.color

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Sheila King wrote:
> Here is an example from the book:
> ---------------page 305 quitter.py------------------------------
> #############################################
> # a quit button that verifies exit requests;
> # to reuse, attach an instance to other guis
> #############################################
> from Tkinter import *                          # get widget classes
> from tkMessageBox import askokcancel           # get canned std dialog
> class Quitter(Frame):                          # subclass our GUI
>     def __init__(self, parent=None):           # constructor method
>         Frame.__init__(self, parent)
>         self.pack()
>         widget = Button(self, text='Quit', command=self.quit)
>         widget.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH, side=LEFT)
>     def quit(self):
>         ans = askokcancel('Verify exit', "Really quit?")
>         if ans: Frame.quit(self)
> if __name__ == '__main__':  Quitter().mainloop()
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> class Frame(Widget):
>     """Frame widget which may contain other widgets and can have a 3D
> border."""
>     def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw):
>         """Construct a frame widget with the parent MASTER.
> #[much snipped]
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

Stephen Lastinger	 - s.lastinger@computernetdesign.com
Computer Network Design,Inc.  - http://www.computernetdesign.com